Using Tables

In Pharos Cloud, data is often displayed in a table that you can customize. There are several ways you can customize these tables and the functionality is consistent across all views.

Show / Hide columns

The table for each view displays default data columns that you can hide. There are other data fields not displayed by default that you can easily choose to display. The data fields initially appear in the order in which they are presented in the Column selection list. To show or hide data columns:

  1. Click the Columns button to display the data column selection list.
    • Select the data columns you want to display. Currently selected columns will show a check mark.
    • Uncheck the data columns you want to hide.
  2. Click the X in the upper-right hand corner to close the data column selection list.

Set the number of items displayed per page

You can control the number of items displayed per page. By default, 50 items are displayed per page. You can set this to 20, 50, or 100. The setting you choose will apply to all Fleet Manager tables.

Select items

  • Single-item selection: The first column is used for item selection. You can select a single item by clicking the checkbox for that item. You can deselect a selected item by clicking the checkbox for that item.
  • Select all: You can select all items on a page by selecting the topmost checkbox in the selection column. This Select All option selects all of the items on the current page only. The Select All checkbox and all selection checkboxes for all items on the current page will appear selected (checked).
  • Clear all: You can clear all selected items by clearing the topmost checkbox in the first column. The Select All checkbox and the selection checkboxes for all items on the current page will appear deselected (unchecked).

View data in groups

To group data by a column, drag and drop the column header into the Group By row (above the column headers). When you group by a data column, you create a corresponding heading in the table. You can show or hide all records within a grouping by clicking the arrow icon to the left of each group heading.

You can also group by multiple data fields. Drag and drop additional column headers to the Group By row. This will create a nested group structure.

  • You can remove a group by clicking the X to the right of the group field name (in the Group By row).
  • You can re-order a group by dragging the group field name in the Group By row and dropping it in the desired location in the Group By row. An arrow indicates the insertion point of the group you are moving.

Sort data

To sort data, click a column header one or more times to apply an ascending, descending, or no sort. An up arrow indicates the column is sorted in ascending order. A downward-pointing arrow indicates the column is sorted in descending order. No arrow indicates the column is not currently sorted.

Note: To sort multiple data fields, use the Group By feature. All Groups include a sort mechanism (ascending order is the default).

Filter data

  • To Filter data, click the funnel icon to the right of a column header to open the filter parameters. Choose your filter parameters and click the Filter button to apply the filter.
  • To remove a filter, select the highlighted filter icon to open the filter parameters and then click the Clear button.

Note: You can use various combinations of sort, filter, and grouping functions. Also, you must clear data operations manually; hiding a column that has been customized does not remove your customization.

Re-order Columns

You can easily change the order of columns in any table view. Simply drag and drop a column header to your desired location. As you drag, an arrow will indicate the insertion point. You can insert the column when a plus sign appears to the left of the column header.

Re-size Columns

You can easily re-size columns as needed to optimize your viewing space. Simply hover over a column header separator (the vertical lines between column headers) until the cursor changes to a vertical bar with left / right arrows. Then, drag the column separator to increase or decrease the column size.