Assign User Roles

User Roles determine individual access permissions in Pharos Cloud. Each role defines which areas of the Pharos Cloud system a user may access and the actions the user can perform within those areas. When users log in to Pharos Cloud, they can see only those areas of the Pharos Cloud environment that they are authorized to see and use. Pharos Cloud includes the following predefined roles, each with a standard set of permissions:

Role Capabilities
System Administrator

Users with this role have access to most areas in Pharos Cloud. This role is assigned to individuals who will manage users and perform configuration changes to the Pharos Cloud system. A user with a System Administrator role can perform the following tasks:

Account Administration

  • Create, invite, edit and delete users
  • Assign system roles to users
  • Override default device costs
  • Profile > Access tab (Create, invite, edit and delete users)
  • Single Sign-on Configuration tab (Configure and edit SSO)
  • Profile > Policy tab (Create, edit, and delete policies)
  • Profile > Data Privacy tab (can edit Data Privacy)
  • Access to the Delete button from the Discover > Device Inventory tab. Note: Devices must first be marked as Out of Service before systems admins can delete them.

Print Scout

  • Create, download and configure

Device Scout

  • Create, download, configure and delete

Fleet Manager

  • View, edit and export Fleet Manager information
  • Manage device inventory (set devices as in/out of service)
  • Generate reports

Print Analytics

  • View and explore print data
  • Set business targets for dashboard key metrics
  • Import and manage print users
  • Export Print Analytics monthly CSV file (requires a full month's data)

Secure Print

  • Secure printers
  • Generate QR code labels
  • Change or set printer credentials (username/password)
  • View and explore Secure Release data
  • View Print Scout list
  • Configure Sentry Print settings
  • Invite users (Guests, Chromebook users, Direct Print Users)
  • Configure Universal Print Integration
  • Secure Release Settings Advanced menu
  • All functions under the Secure > Advanced tab (Cloud Connector logs, Integration APIs, User Registration)
  • Access to the Secure Printers > Reset button
  • Access to the Secure > Theme tab. Note: Requires a Secure Release license.
  • Edit Secure Scan Settings (Secure > Settings screen)
  • Edit User Portal Settings

Direct Print

  • Import printers for Direct Print
  • Invite Direct Print Users
  • View Print Scout list
  • Configure Direct Print Settings
  • Delete, view, and update locations, printers, and queues
  • Configure User and Group synchronization (SCIM 2.0)


  • Export Fleet Manager meter data

Note: This role should be assigned to a small set of users

IT Administrator

Users with this role can manage users and their assigned roles, deploy scouts, and manage print data views for both Fleet Manager and Print Analytics. A user with an IT Administrator role can perform the following tasks:

Account Administration

  • Create, invite, edit and delete users
  • Assign system roles to users
  • Override default device costs
  • Profile > Access tab (Create, invite, edit and delete users)
  • Single Sign-on Configuration tab (Configure and edit SSO)
  • Profile > Policy tab (Create, edit, and delete policies)
  • Profile > Data Privacy tab (can edit Data Privacy)

Print Scout

  • Create, download and configure

Device Scout

  • Create, download and configure

Fleet Manager

  • View, edit and export Fleet Manager information
  • Manage device inventory (set devices as in/out of service)
  • Generate reports

Print Analytics

  • View and explore print data
  • Set business targets for dashboard key metrics
  • Export Print Analytics monthly CSV file(requires a full month's data)

Secure Print

  • Secure printers
  • Generate QR code labels
  • Change or set printer credentials (username/password)
  • View and explore Secure Release data
  • View Print Scout list
  • Configure Secure Release settings
  • Invite users (Guests, Chrome users, Direct Print users)
  • Configure Universal print Integration
  • Secure Release Settings Advanced menu
  • All functions under the Secure > Advanced tab (Cloud Connector logs, Integration APIs, User Registration)
  • Access to Secure Printers > Reset button
  • Access to the Secure > Theme tab. Note: Requires a Secure Release license.
  • Edit Secure Scan Settings (Secure > Settings screen)
  • Edit User Portal Settings

Direct Print

  • Import printers for Direct Print
  • Invite Direct Print Users
  • View Print Scout list
  • Configure Direct Print Settings
  • Configure User and Group synchronization (SCIM 2.0)

  • Delete, view, and update locations, printers, and queues


  • Export Fleet Manager meter data
Business Manager

Users with this role can view all print data in both Fleet Manager and Print Analytics, and have a limited ability to manage the system. It is intended for users responsible for planning the business implications of the print environment. A user with a Business Manager role can perform the following tasks:

Account Administration

  • Override default device costs
  • View available roles
  • Single Sign-on Configuration (can edit SSO configuration)
  • Profile > Policy tab (Create, edit, and delete policies)
  • Profile > Data Privacy tab (can edit Data Privacy)

Print Scout

  • View installed scouts

Device Scout

  • View installed scouts

Fleet Manager

  • View, edit and export Fleet Manager information
  • Generate reports

Print Analytics

  • View and explore print data
  • Set business targets for dashboard key metrics
  • Import and manage print users
  • Export Print Analytics CSV file (requires full month's data)

Secure Print

  • View and explore Secure Release data
  • View Secure Printers list
  • View Print Scout list
  • View Secure Release Settings
  • Invite users (Guests, Chromebook Users, Pharos Secure Release Users)
  • View Secure Scan Settings (Secure > Settings screen)
  • View User Portal Settings

Direct Print

  • Import printers for Direct Print
  • Invite Direct Print Users
  • View Print Scout list
Print Analyst

The Print Analyst role allows users to view all print data without seeing any names associated with the transactions in Print Analytics and removes any ability to view or manage the system. A user with a Print Analyst role can:

Account Administration

  • Single Sign-on Configuration tab (view SSO config)
  • Profile > Policy tab (view Policy Print)
  • Profile > Data Privacy tab (view/read only Data Privacy)

Print Scout

  • Not applicable

Device Scout

  • Not applicable

Fleet Manager

  • View Fleet Manager information
  • Generate reports

Print Analytics

  • View and explore print data (no print user information is shown)

Secure Print

  • View and explore print data
  • View Secure Printers list
  • View Secure Release settings
  • Invite Users (Guests, Chromebook users, Direct Print users)
  • View Secure Scan Settings (Secure > Settings screen)
  • View User Portal Settings

Data Privacy

  • Can view Data Privacy regions
Fleet Monitor

The Fleet Monitor role allows users to view device print data and is blocked from viewing Print Analytics or any level of system management. It is intended for a user responsible for maintaining and understanding the print environment at a tactical level. A user with a Fleet Monitor role can:

Account Administration

  • Single Sign-on Configuration tab (view SSO config)
  • Profile > Policy tab (view Policy Print)

Print Scout

  • Not applicable

Device Scout

  • Not applicable

Fleet Manager

  • View Fleet Manager information
  • Generate reports

Print Analytics

  • Not applicable

Secure Print

  • Not applicable

Users are assigned a Role when their account is created. You can change a user’s role as needed. It is not necessary to re-invite a user after you update their role. The next time that user logs in, their new role will be in effect automatically. To assign a role to an existing user, you must be logged in as a System Administrator.

To assign a role to an existing user:

  1. Go to Profile > System Users.
  2. Select the user account whose role you wish to change.
  3. Click the Edit button.
  4. In the Edit dialog box, in the Role Name field, select the role you want to assign to the selected user.
  5. Click Save.