Prepare Uniprint Scout Deployment

The Beacon Uniprint Scout can be deployed for Uniprint customers (version 8.4 and higher). The Beacon Uniprint Scout collects data from Uniprint printing activities; this data can be viewed and filtered in a variety of ways within the Beacon Print Analytics dashboards.

Uniprint Prerequisites

Before you install the Uniprint Scout, we strongly recommend that you already have the Beacon Device Scout installed and successfully pulling data. For information on how to install the Device Scout, see Install the Device Scout on a Windows Server machine

Hardware Requirements

The Uniprint Scout is installed on Uniprint Print Servers to track printing activity in a Uniprint environment. The underlying hardware must be sized according to the operating system requirements and the requirements of all print queues currently running on the server. As long as the server meets these base requirements, there will be no problem running the Uniprint Scout, which uses minimal system resources.

Software Requirements

  • Uniprint 8.4 with Hotfix 125 or higher
  • Uniprint 9.0 with Hotfix 27 or higher
  • MobilePrint 1.3.2 SP1 or higher (if MobilePrint is being used)
  • The Uniprint Scout must be installed on a Uniprint Print Server running any of the following versions:
    • Windows Server 2019
    • Windows Server 2016
    • Windows Server 2012 R2
    • Windows Server 2012
    • Windows Server 2008 R2
    • Windows Server 2008

Note: The Uniprint Scout cannot be installed on the Principal Uniprint Server unless that server is also a print server.

  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1. On Uniprint Print Servers, you must install version 4.6.1 of the .NET Framework.


  • The Uniprint Scout cannot be installed on the same machine as a Beacon Print Scout.
  • The Beacon Print Scout cannot be installed on any Uniprint Server.

Uniprint Scout Installation Overview

The Uniprint Scout must be installed on Uniprint Servers to track printing in a Uniprint environment. The following steps summarize how to install the Uniprint Scout and deploy it to multiple clients and/or print servers.

  1. Download the Uniprint Scout installer from Beacon: Go to Discover > Print Scout > Download.
  2. Using the downloaded package, install the Uniprint Scout on your Uniprint Servers.
  3. Verify that the Uniprint Scouts are successfully installed: Go to Discover > Print Scout.

Downloading the Uniprint Scout

  1. Download the Uniprint Scout installer: Go to Discover > Print Scout > Download.
  2. In the Print Scout Downloads dialog box, click the Uniprint Scout link. This downloads the Uniprint Scout installer package.

Installing the Uniprint Scout

To install the Uniprint Scout:

  1. Install the Uniprint Scout on your Uniprint Servers by running the file UniprintScoutInstaller.msi. The following screen will appear:

  1. Click Next to continue. Read and accept the terms and conditions of the End-User License Agreement.
  2. Click Install to proceed. When the installation is complete, click Finish.

When the installation is complete, the Print Scout Configuration dialog box appears (shown below). The Print Scout is automatically registered with Beacon. If the registration is successful, you will see the following message: Successfully confirmed registration with the server.

The registration process captures the configuration and registration details and applies the settings automatically to subsequent Print Scout installations.

If you use a proxy server, you can click Read System Proxy (from the Configuration tab) to pull the proxy settings from the local machine’s configuration.

4. Click Save to complete the configuration

Next Step:

Subsequent Uniprint Scout Registrations