Passcode Authentication

Typically, print users identify themselves at printers by tapping their proximity cards or by entering their email address and PIN. Secure Print offers passcode authentication as an alternative way to authenticate at a printer. If an employee ID card is lost, damaged, or unavailable, the employee can use a passcode to authenticate at a printer to release documents.

Note: Passcode authentication is available for sites with OpenID Connect authentication only.

How Passcode Authentication Works

Users have two methods of obtaining a passcode, depending on whether Print Scouts are installed

  • For organizations with Print Scouts installed: When a user enters their OpenID Connect credentials in the Print Scout Setup Guide, the system will assign them a passcode based on the complexity chosen by their IT administrator. If the passcode is forgotten, it will be sent to the employee via email.
  • For organizations without Print Scouts installed (sites in pure cloud mode where Cloud Storage is enabled and Cloud Site Service is used): End-users can use the End-User Portal to generate a passcode. After generating it, users will receive an email containing the passcode for future reference.

How to enable Passcode

For information on how to enable Passcode, refer to the Passcode Settings document.

How to reset a passcode

For information on how to reset a passcode, refer to the How to reset your passcode document.

How to release a document using a passcode

For information on how to relase documents using a passcode, refer to the Releasing print jobs with a passcode document.

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